What Does Your Future Hold

Paintless Dent Repair: What Does Your Future Hold

Paintless Dent Repair: What Does Your Future Hold

You have completed basic training or maybe you are self-taught. The first set of PDR tools are unpacked and set up. Paintless Dent Repair industry watch out! Here you come! But wait, how do you get started? What is the next step? As you join the industry of Paintless Dent Repair: What does your future hold?

The world is your oyster. PDR techs can make 100k their first year. All you need is a truck, PDR tools, and some training. If I had a nickel for every time I have come across this pitch. Reality check. You have the potential to make good money in this industry but chances are it is not going to happen in your first year. You need time and practice to truly hone your skills, to be able to set yourself apart from the hacks that are dragging our industry down. (Oh and the right tools, okay that was a shameless plug!) You really have two options at this point. Go it alone or sign up with an established company. This is the time to take a good, long, hard look at yourself and ask the following questions.

Do I need more training? How good of a salesperson am I? Do I have the discipline needed to run a business? Do I have the financial backing to go it alone? What contacts do I currently have? Will I have the patience to grow my own route? If the right opportunity comes along, am I willing to sign a contract? Where do I see myself in the future?

Your answers to these questions will help you to decide which path in the PDR industry is best suited to your needs and aspirations. Whatever your answers are, greet them with a balance of enthusiasm mixed with trepidation.

Option#1 Your Own PDR Business

If you feel that you are ready to go it alone then, by all means, jump in and hustle hard. Your dose of trepidation is in acknowledging that you will have some tough times ahead of you and you will need to be 120% invested. You will need to eat sleep and breath this. Continue to educate and challenge yourself. Acknowledge that not every day is going to be a win. I have written several articles that can help you grow your brand and make your business stand out. Check them out (links at the bottom of the page)as well as the many others that are out there.  Above all else grow your skill set. Never stop practicing or learning new techniques. Continue to invest in growing your business. This will always set you apart from the rest.

Option#2 Working For an Established PDR  Business

But what if you aren’t so sure about going it alone. Could you use further training, or possibly you aren’t sure about your abilities to build your own business. What are your options? Well, you basically either work as a subcontractor or hire on to an established company. This is where your dose of trepidation should kick in.

In all likely hood, you are going to be asked to sign a contract. Especially if there is training involved. Remember these should serve to protect you as well as the hiring company. Take your time and read it carefully. If need be, pay a couple of hundred bucks for a lawyer to go over it. Ensure that it adheres to your provinces laws. If the contract has any of the following disclosures or requirements you will again need to establish that your rights and needs are protected.

Training Fees

Are they requiring a set employment length in lieu of training fees? If this is the case are they guaranteeing a decent salary with room to grow? Don’t fall for the pie in the sky sales pitch that you have nothing to worry about. That you will be so busy that you won’t know what to do with yourself. If that’s the case they should have no problem contractually agreeing to at least a base salary.  You don’t want to get stuck at a job that is not making you money.

Non- Compete

Next up, the dreaded non-compete. This is a clause to ensure that in the event you ever do leave their business interests are protected. Yes, they are hard to enforce and will require legal intervention which is costly. However, do not fall into the trap that they “probably” won’t chase you and you can keep it on the down low. This is a gamble and as you can see from what was stated above, it’s hard enough to go on your own. You don’t need this dark cloud over your head. Most companies require these, so make sure you have set yourself up for the long haul if you choose to sign.

Choices Choices Choices

As you can see you still have a lot of growing to do. Decisions to make and a career to build. It will never be seamless. You may try your hand at both. Whatever you choose, never stop investing in yourself, your skill and your future.

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PDR Companies Know and Own Your Brand Part 2

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In the next month’s article, we will discuss the options that face a growing business and take an in-depth look at the benefits and dangers that are encountered by a business owner who is looking to their future.

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